In the kitchenThanks to the good folks at Santa Monica Seafood, a photo of a Thai-tuna burger posted on Facebook, from F & W has left me wondering: How I’m going to get anything else done? How  am I going to make another seafood dish without first attempting to re-create that burger? And most important where am I going to buy tuna in Western Kentucky to make that burger?

I shared on Facebook, tweeted, and pinned that damn Thai-tuna burger.

Yes, Thai-tuna burger looked that good.

I could drive to the store right now, buy previously frozen cold-smoked tuna (NOT), cucumbers, and red onions, but I refuse to buy that product, plus I have a long list of things to get done today before I hit the kitchen.

The first is to finish this blog post.

Then I have to rewrite my first-draft guest-post for the Florida Writer’s Association on marketing, review my salmon ebook, call a farmer for an interview for my feature next week (for my newspaper gig with The Review,) write 5,000 words for memoir class, also due next week, finish the laundry, walk the dog, and pilates, But man, I want that Thai-tuna burger.

Chicken tacos with pineapple pepper salsaIt doesn’t matter I have Chicken Tacos with Pineapple-Pepper Salsa fixings in the fridge from yesterday’s photo shoot, and today is Taco Tuesday.

I think I have a problem. I’m obsessed. Like I was with the mustard-thing a few weeks ago.

You see, the photo of Thai-tuna burger is not just a photo; it’s an idea, hell, it looks orgasmic. Okay, maybe that’s a bit much.

Yes, I definitely have a problem. This is not a bad thing, by the way.

You take a look at the Thai-tuna burger and the slide show of seafood sandwiches, then let me know if you can think of doing anything else after you see those babies.

Me? I’m going back to the slide show to fantasize about making that Thai-tuna burger.

As soon as I buy some fresh sustainably-sourced tuna.

What’s your favorite seafood burger?