“In the end, we will conserve only what we love; we will love only what we understand; and we will understand only what we are taught.”

Senegalese conservationist Baba Dioum

When I’d developed this blog in 2009, initially, I wanted an outlet for my love and knowledge of seafood.

You see, I’d recently quit my day job as fishmongress (the new fancy term for a female seafood sales rep), and I’d craved the intimate, fishy world of buying and selling seafood.

What I didn’t know was the direction this blog would take.

I’m still blogging about my love for seafood and all that encompasses it, and you’ll find rockin’ good recipes and how-to’s on this site.

But more importantly, I took a stand about which kinds of seafood I’m willing to eat and which I’m not.

I call it the politics of fish.

Last month,  Christine Pittman of Cook The Story and Katie Jasiewicz of Katies Cucina, two of my favorite Florida food bloggers, invited me to their Google+ Hangout.

Their site, K & C, has become an online face-to-face video chat to explore food and food issues.

Thank you for inviting me K & C, and I’ll see you next month for salmon chat #2.

(Disclosure and apology: This being my first online chat forum, I was fidgety and excited. In my heightened state, I’d omitted the entire NE Atlantic coastline and the Pacific coastline when discussing domestic seafood.)