a cook writes logoWriting a book is hard work.

Figuring out what to do with said book is beyond hard work. I’m so bamboozled, I can’t come up with a word to describe the process. Well, that’s not correct. I have plenty of choice words, but first things first.

You see, I created a salmon guide-part educational-part cookbook. I want to give wanna-be salmon-lovers the tools they need to become smart salmon shoppers, better cooks, and offer great-tasting, easy-to-prepare meals. I want to build my platform so when I finish my food memoir, I’ll have a leg to stand on. I want to self-publish, print on demand and create an ebook. That’s the good news.

The other news (to refrain from using “the bad news”) is, I have challenges. Lots of challenges.

Here is my list:

I need an editor, a copy editor, a graphic designer for the cover, a book designer, InDesign software or a book template, a platform to sell the ebook, and money.

Lots of money.

Why don’t I publish traditionally? Couple of reasons. This is not a book for traditional publishing. Not now anyway. Let me explain.

The salmon book is the first in a series and I am an unpublished author. (Yes, not technically, I know, I write for the newspaper and have a few clips with a magazine.) What I’m referring to is a book. And as murky as the waters are in the fisheries industry, and the time it takes to find an agent, sell the book to a publisher and get it on the shelves, the seafood industry will have changed and the print book, obsolete  With an ebook, I will have the flexibility to change the content as the industry changes.

Don’t get me wrong. If you are an agent or publisher, or know somebody who can’t live without an educational seafood cookbook, then please, by all means, stop reading and call me at 407-580-7136.

I thought about Kickstarter, but then realized I need a whole new skill-set to create my project on Kickstarter. I mean really, how much does one little writer need to know to get something done? I don’t like to compare myself and I know everyone has their own pace, but jeez, I just learned a little HTML.

Do I really need to know how to create an enhanced video?

Of course the answer is YES.

Yes, I need to learn this skill and more. I need to suck it up, quit whining, learn InDesign, create this mother f****** book and move on.

There. I said it.

Now I can breathe and get back to work.


Thanks for reading. And don’t forget to check back on Friday for a seafood recipe. Or better, sign up for my newsletter and get my fishy business in your inbox once a week.

Thanks for tuning in and don’t forget if you have any of the above skills and are willing to partner with me on this publishing thingy, call 407-580-7136. Or send me an email, or reply to this message, tweet me, or “Like” me on Facebook.

What’s your ebook publishing experience? Care to share?