Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream lovers are overly confident and driven. They serve up their sarcasm with a dash of the ridiculous They are realists, overly organized and need a plan to move forward to feel secure. They are full of pride, ambition, and courage. They have few friends, but fierce loyalty to those closest to them. Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream lovers are most compatible with other Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream lovers.
5,830,000 search results popped up on Google for “mint chocolate chip ice cream.”
How much do you want to bet during summer, the number rises exponentially?
In fact, since July is National Ice Cream Month, I’m betting the chances are good.
This past Memorial Day weekend, I made Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream. Not the simmer the milk and mint in the saucepan kind of ice cream like my friend Katie at makes, but rather the clip some mint from the garden, chop some Ghirardelli melting chocolate from the pantry and whisk up a batch of Williams – Sonoma vanilla ice cream starter mix kind of Mint Chocolate Chip Ice Cream.
Making ice cream in my home is not common. My last memory of making ice cream was during Thanksgiving 2011. I made butternut squash ice cream. I served said ice cream with a slice of chocolate graham cracker pumpkin cheesecake. Reactions were more of a “Mmm, wow this is different,” instead of “This is the best damn ice cream ever!” which if you didn’t know, is the reaction you should get when you make homemade ice cream.
I digress.
While the ice cream machine whirled for 30 minutes, I thought to Google “ice cream” again for a few fun ice cream facts. ‘Cause I know – you can’t live without this list.
Here are ten fun ice cream facts in no particular order sourced from, and (Italics mine):
- The average American consumes 48 pints of ice cream per person, per year. How much do you eat?
- Sunday is the day most ice cream is bought. Hmm, after all the praying, we take penance in fat and cream?
- Kids 2 ̶ 12 and adults over 45 eat the most ice cream. Duh, they’re not looking to get hitched (usually).
- It takes about 50 licks to finish off an ice cream cone. You know you want to go buy an ice cream cone and count.
- More men (13 percent) admit to licking their ice cream bowl clean than women (8 percent). Do women not want to confess or is there a deeper meaning?
- It takes 12 pounds of milk to make 1 gallon of ice cream. Makes me think this is where the campaign “Got milk?” started.
- An average dairy cow can produce enough milk in her lifetime to make a little over 9,000 gallons of ice cream. Makes you want to own a cow, doesn’t it? Maybe just a little?
- July is National Ice Cream Month! This is where I get to say, “I told you so.”
- The third Sunday in July is National Ice Cream Day! Buy stock now!
- Vanilla, chocolate, butter pecan, strawberry and mint chocolate chip are the most popular ice cream flavors. Hello!
What’s your favorite flavor? Let me know in the comments or on Facebook.